Federal & State Contracts

The NYS Contract 38232 19745 Hazardous Incident Response Equipment (HIRE) in conjunction with the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) and are open to any State, and its eligible entities, in the continental United States that wishes to participate.

States wanting to participate in these contracts should fill out and sign the attached Intent to Contract form. Copies of the completed form should be sent to NYS OGS contract officer as listed on the form.

The Participating Addendum form is to be used by the participating States and sent to those contractors under these awards with whom they wish to contract . States may add their own additional terms and conditions as an attachment or in the space provided on the form if it is required. Once completed, a copy of this form should be sent to the NYS OGS contract officer listed on the form.

The following table lists the States that have presently submitted an Intent to Participate and the State contact person for that State.

Last updated: October 19, 2009

State Contact Person Email
Alaska Jason Soza jason_soza@admin.state.ak.us
Arizona Adam Williams adam.williams@azdoa.gov
Arkansas Robin Rogers robin.rogers@dfa.state.ar.us
California Cynthia Okoroike cynthia.okoroike@dgs.ca.gov
Florida Donna Smith donna.smith@dms.myflorida.com
Georgia Matt Taylor mtaylor@doas.ga.gov
Idaho Richard Vogel dick.vogel@adm.idaho.gov
Kansas Charles Miller chuck.miller@da.ks.gov
Louisiana Denise Lea denise.lea@la.gov
Maryland Mike Haifley  
Massachusetts Ron Whitaker ron.whitaker@state.ma.us
Maine Betty Lamoreau betty.m.lamoreau@maine.gov
Minnesota Gloria Sonnen gloria.sonnen@state.mn.us
New York State – lead state Sue Wolslegel susan.wolslegel@ogs.state.ny.us
Oklahoma Lee Johnson lee_johnson@dcs.state.ok.us
Oregon Tim Jenks tim.jenks@state.or.us
South Dekota Steven Berg steven.berg@state.sd.us
Tennesee/Shelby County Nelson Fowler nelson.fowler@shelbycountytn.gov
Virginia Frances Finch fran.finch@dgs.virginia.gov
West Virginia JoAnn Adkins jo.a.adkins@wv.gov

COSTARS is a new approach to the Cooperative Purchasing Program. COSTARS encourages the formulation of an interactive partnership between Local Public Procurement Units and the Commonwealth.

There are approximately 6,700 Local Public Procurement Units taking advantage of existing Commonwealth contracts. Our goal is to provide better contracts with competitive pricing, while increasing participation of eligible participants.

DGS requires Local Public Procurement Units and State Affiliated Entities to register as COSTARS Members, and only those entities registered with DGS may purchase from the Contract. Several thousand potential Purchasers are already registered with DGS as COSTARS Members. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO SELL ITEMS OR SERVICES UNDER THIS CONTRACT TO DGS-REGISTERED COSTARS MEMBERS.  THE CONTRACTOR IS NOT PERMITTED TO USE THIS CONTRACT TO SELL TO NON-COSTARS MEMBERS.

The COSTARS Program is intended for the exclusive use of member organizations.  Individuals associated with the member Organization are prohibited from using the contracts for personal purchases.  Failure to abide by this may result in the member organization being removed from the COSTARS Program and appropriate legal action being taken against the individual(s) who improperly used the COSTARS Contract.

For more info visit the COSTARS web portal | www.dgs.state.pa.us

The Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) was formed in October 1993 by the state purchasing directors from fifteen NASPO western states.  The primary purpose of creating WSCA was to establish the means by which participating states could join together in cooperative multi-state contracting.  This approach has helped states achieve cost-effective and efficient acquisition of quality products and services.  Cooperative purchases are developed by member states.  A “lead-state” model is used in undertaking cooperative multi-state contracts. There is no Vendor List.

Membership consists of the central procurement official that heads the state central procurement organization, (or a designee for that state), from Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.

All governmental entities within WSCA states as well as authorized governmental entities in non-WSCA states are welcome to use the approved agreements.  Cooperative purchasing benefits states as well as cities, counties, public schools and institutions of higher education.

For more info on WSCA visit their portal | www.aboutwsca.org

The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative was created to increase the purchasing power of government entities and to simplify their purchasing by using a customized electronic purchasing system, called the BuyBoard.

For more info visit the BuyBoard Portal | www.buyboard.com

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